Category: Hanga | Create

Ponder 1

Bula Bloggers,

If I was an expoler I would go to Turkey becasue that is were my grandma and granddad live and I would like to try the ice cream.

If you could go any where were would you go?

Blog you later

Ponder 10

Kia ora bloggers,

I think this is a good book for kids that likes adventures and mysteries. My favourite part would be when Millie and Amorangi found there mother.

Whats your favourite part?

A question for the author, where did you come up with the ideas?

Bye Bye!

Trip to Maritime Museum

Kia ora bloggers,

On Friday the 15th of September we went to the Maritime Museum. Unfortunately, it was too windy to sail on the boat.
Here are the three top things I learned:
  1. How an anchor works
  2. How to know if the bottom is muddy, sandy or rocky
  3. How to control a ship

Have you ever been on a ship?

Blog you later!

Ponder 9⌛

Hello bloggers

If I could be an animal I would want to be a Lynx probably because it can hunt, has a good scene of smell and can be pretty strong.

What animal would you want to be and why?

Bye Bye!

Ponder 8

Kia ora bloggers,

If I could make a hybrid it would probably be a

  • Cat: to always land on feet
  • Bird: to fly
  • Buck: to fight back with its antlers

What hybrid would you make?

Blog you later.

Ponder 7

Hello bloggers, if I went back to the same day but different years it would be 2019 because on this day we went to America and going to America was really fun especially New York city.

What year would you travel to and why?

Blog you later.